How do I maintain contact with the client’s AHP? How closely will I work with them?

According to NDIS regulations, Fora’s allied health assistants need to be linked with their clients’ therapists on an ongoing basis.

Your first therapy assistant session after the meet-and-greet should be a team meeting between you and the client’s AHP.

You cannot work independently with the client until this handover occurs.

From then on, at the very least you should be in contact with the allied health professional at a minimum of every 6 weeks after that to ensure you are receiving up-to-date therapy plans and strategies according to the client’s progress.

Please discuss with the family and the client’s AHP whether:

  • You will sit in on subsequent review sessions, or if this clashes with your schedule
  • You will remain in email contact with the client’s AHP, or
  • You will remain in phone contact with the client’s AHP

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